September 11, 2023 One Night Revival – Rev. Richard Donald, Jr 50 views You may also like October 29, 2023 Scripture: Luke 17:11-19 Subject: Attitude of Gratitude October 22, 2023 Scripture: John 15:5-8 Subject: Stay connected to the vine October 1, 2023 Scripture: Psalms 32:1-5, 11 Subject: My confession is for real. September 10,2023 Scripture: Psalms 139 Subject: Access Granted August 27, 2023 Scripture: Exodus 17:1-7 Subject: The Lord is with me August 20, 2023 Rev. Twana Cruell Scripture: Exodus 17: 1-7 Subject: On Christ the solid rock I stand June 11, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Tevin Smith Scripture: Job 1:20-22 Subject: Through everything stay in the position of worship August 8, 2023 Scripture: Genesis 50:15-21 Subject: Forgiveness leads to Freedom May 28, 2023 “Pentecost” Joint Service with Bethel UMC, St. Mark UMC, St. Paul UMC, New St. Luke UMC & Foundry May 21, 2023 Speaker: Sister Giovanna Burgess Geathers “Graduation Sunday «12345…7»Page 3 of 7